

Born on the 2nd of January 1955 in Romanshorn by the lake of Constance, Mario Scherrer had almost always lived around the Zurich area. He eventually attended its University and Conservatory, where he studied music science & history and guitar, respectively. After his studies he wrote articles for Der Tages Anzeiger and Basler Zeitung about music and literature. In 1984 he founded, together with his wife Priska, the band NORDLAND. They mainly self-released three LPs within the period of 1986 to 1992 (Some you can find in this section) and played major festivals such as the Montreux Jazz but despite this, never quite reached inter/national mainstream success. There was some interest from Virgin France but to no avail. The couple then returned to Switzerland where Mario began his career as a classical guitar teacher, spanning about seven years.

The Story Behind The Recordings!!
Hotcha says; I had a project through my label Calypso Now to invite Swiss music critics of that period (1985) to submit a solo cassette release. Of course the idea was for them to show that they can do what it is they write about. Mario was one of several critics I asked to contribute to what was meant to be a series - The Guild. Meant as "the guild" of the rock critics. At that time, Mario was a music critic for Der Tages Anzeiger, with a focus on new/experimental rock music. He was very well known for writing really long and deep articles. One was used for the cover, in excerpts only. He was the only one who responded and so his tape came out in 1986, beginning and ending The Guild series. The others didn't have the courage or weren't interested. Of course it was slightly ironic for me, since I gave them an opportunity to prove themselves as musicians. So I found that very nice of Mario.
Brand new 2022 pressing.
Comes with printed inner sleeves containing interviews and has an OBI.

Titel: Squares And Crossings
Stil: Swisspostpunk
Best-Nr.: DDP004
Typ: Doppel-LP

MARIO SCHERRER (NORDLAND) - Squares And Crossings

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A1 Some Different Men
A2 The Came Along
A3 An Old Familiar Cry
A4 Sin-Claire
B1 Inside Of You
B2 Occultus Introitus
B3 Is David On The Floor
B4 Way Off
C1 You And I
C2 Kabbala
C3 By The Square
D1 Schürfung
D2 Crossing
D3 Fragment III
D4 Liturgica
D5 Nothing To explain
D6 Fashion Time

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